Almost two years ago, you were stepping back into life. I remember the times you came by bike to get your infusions, full of hope. You touched and supported me and so many other fellow patients who are dealing with this horrible disease. Often, I turned to you to get your advice, learn from your experience and wisdom, confide in you with my doubts and despair. It became a kind of rule of thumb I kept coming back to: what would Vanessa do or say?, that gave me comfort and guidance, even when I wasn’t sitting next to you for hours at the doctor’s office.

A few days ago, in search for some answers, I watched an interview with a guy who almost miraculously survived jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. He then made it his life’s mission to help others in the same situation. You have already helped so many in the way you handled Lyme and Co. I wish you would have let us help more in your darkest moments.

I miss you and I will never forget you. May you rest in peace, my friend.